Disadvantages of main gas supply.

Under close examination an independent gas supply in the cottage is more advantageous than central gas supply. Here you can find some disadvantages of main gas supply:

Centralized gas supply
(Pic. 25.1 – Centralized gas supply.)
Main gas pipeline is not perfect
(Pic. 25.2 – Main gas pipeline
is not perfect.)

Centralized gas supply is not developed all-around. Main gas pipeline isn’t available everywhere, the length of main gas line is not enough to meet needs of all regions in Russian Federation. The point is that energy producer “Gazprom” can’t satisfy existing gas demand, performing basic deliveries to European direction (with more favorable prices).

High prices and problems.
After connection to the main gas pipeline gasified land should be registered in the Land Cadastral Chamber what will make land tax 52 times higher. Moreover, the following points will chew up your time and money:

  • Documents collecting to obtain connection authorization: land documents, home plan, heating system design and so on;
  • Gas cost (per m3);
  • Design and coordinating works cost and gas pipeline installation cost.

Each kilometer moved away from main gas pipeline extremely increases the installation cost. Also don’t forget about the cost of pipeline itself and about the stations where the pressure reduces from high to medium and from medium to low. An average pay back period of main gas pipeline on small areas today is about 18 years! You should also remember about the tendency of main pipeline gas price increase because today this price is considerably understated.

If you wish to enlarge your country house, summer house or cottage (you want to build a steam bath, for example), a main gas pipeline will provide you with huge inconvenience. You cannot increase gas volumes by raising a pressure in the pipeline; you’ll have to carry out the following work: to demount old pipes, to change them for pipes of bigger diameter and to get new authorization documents.

Unauthorized connection to the main pipeline and trivial gas thievery will cause the following:

  • Boiler operating break down because of pressure loss in the main pipeline;
  • Distribution of loss expenses among all the customers;
  • Customers connected to the main pipeline become prisoners of no perfect system, and they become thievery victims never suspecting it. Gas has been stealing not from the gas supplier but from the customer, a neighbor steals from his neighbor.

Waiting for connection.
Long period terms of connecting to the main pipeline; there is very slight chance of connection to suburban sub-stations. You can wait for years and even for decades when main pipeline with blue gas will reach some corners of Russia.

Shutdowns in gas service become more frequent.
There are pressure losses in pipelines almost everywhere.



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