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Fast calculation of gasification
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Views: 59748
Gas cisterns installed outside are safe. Gas tank mounting into the pit has only advantages (thickness of steel wall; corrosion resistant protection; protective bag; anode-cathode protection; cheap solution for the question of gasification, fast installation) and no one disadvantage! It’s really safe! Install and forget...
Views: 60014
The project of independent gasification consists of the following aspects: General Design Note, Equipment calculation, Design documentation (drawings), Cost Estimating Documentation, Construction organization plan, Equipment specification, equipment data and so on...
Views: 59876
The main basic data for LPG gasification engineering are the following: total heat power of all gas consumers (maximum heat load), Remoteness of gas tank from gasified building, climate zone and quantity of charges...
Views: 59835
Engineering of LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) gas supply is realized according to engineering norms and rules for gas supply by natural gas. The only one difference is that natural gas can be transported by ground based gas pipeline but LPG – by only underground. Designing LPG gasification the main this is calculation of gas pipelines diameters and length ...
Views: 59896
Gas contamination check out system consists of the following: 1) gas detection analyzers (gas detector), which detect gas concentration and send control signal to close electromagnetic safety valve; 2) remote warning devises: display console, sound-and-light alarm and signal panels...
Views: 60000
Let’s familiarize with mobile gas tank or gas tank-trailer. In fact, this is big cylinder with gas installed on trailer. This is alternative system of independent gas supply. Mobile gas tank can be used to heat private house, summer house, temporary room, as a power supply for electrical power generator...
Views: 60309
Outdoor fire point stand is important element of fire extinguishing. In case of inflammation person who is outside will have the chance to save his property. He will be able to take out fire extinguisher from the fire point stand and breaking the window to eliminate danger. Fire point stand should have appliances in working condition...
Views: 59959
Carbon dioxide type fire extinguisher in each room is not a freak but secure instrument. But how to insert a fire extinguisher in the interior of the room? There are a lot of ways to do that: 1) to make it an element of wall design; 2) to paint fire extinguisher and decorate it with the design; 3) Pay attention to unusual place of installation...
Views: 59781
To enjoy comfort of countryside life it’s required that all engineering systems to work precise, reliable and almost noteless. Guaranteed tranquility (attracting minimum attention) can be provided only equipment which doesn’t use electricity. Electrical appliance is a devise with service life up to 1 years...
Views: 59741
The cost of the equipment offered by GC «Terrikom» is the same on all the territory of RF and Countries of Customs Union! The price for «Antonio Merloni» gas tanks and their mounting is the same for everybody: for the clients from Moscow and from Magadan. The only one difference is the delivery cost – transportation cost for the equipment to the object...
Views: 59918
There are no any reasons to be afraid of ground works in winter. Frozen ground is not a problem. Professionals will dig deep pit in frozen ground, especially using tractor. “Winter” gas tank installation is not too much differs from “summer” one. Mounting of gas tanks is realized every day, in winter and in summer...
Views: 60798
Gas is the most efficient and cheap energy source. Efficiency is stated in getting 1kW of thermal power for minimum price spending minimum time. Electricity is «slow» (warm up period) and 91% more expensive than liquefied petroleum gas. But service life of electric appliance is only 7-10 years...
Views: 59744
Just started fire needs only 40 seconds - then it’s impossible to stop it. Fire extinguisher is the only one devise which is able to give you the chance to stop the flame and save your life. Just put out your hand and press the lever. GC «Terrikom» recommends you to install carbon dioxide (CO2) type fire extinguishers in all the rooms ...
Views: 59770
GC «Terrikom» offers carbon dioxide type fire extinguishers of different capacity. It’s reasonable to equip your boiler room by minimum two CO2 fire extinguishers. It’s recommended to install on the wall of each room one fire extinguisher. Believe up, this is not an over-caution. This is the chance to save your house from the fire...
Views: 59800
«Bald land» has low cost but almost nobody needs it without communications. Undeveloped land, even in the most distant corners of Russia can be made attractive. Here the following will help you: independent gasification («Antonio Merloni» gas tanks), «Uponor» septics, «solar» electricity («OutBack» equipment) …
Views: 59824
In one of the regions of Russia there was imposed night-rate and day-rate payments for electric power. To use electricity according to night rate all the day? It’s a reality. GC «Terrikom» organized a system of uninterruptible power supply with charge during night-time what allows to save money...
Views: 59745
Every week, electricity in village was shutting off for 20-40 minutes. A client was not happy about this picture so, he addressed to CG «Terrikom» for assistance. There was installed a system of uninterruptible power supply «OutBack», considering electric power consumption by the object up to 8 hours...
Views: 59693
One of the objects realized by GC «Terrikom» was private mini-forge organized by the client in his summer house. For appropriate operation of the workshop electric power was not sufficient. Solution was organization of independent gasification system (two gas tanks, 5000L each) and installation of gas plant, which compensated electric power «deficit»...
Views: 59768
GC «Terrikom» solved a question of sewage runoff without damaging environment of the pond placed next to countryside house. There was organized sewerage system on base of bioorganic septic «Uponor» (98% cleaning), and at the level of treated water output there was organized small pond with fishes...
Views: 59779
GC «Terrikom» realized heating for rabbit shed. Solution was independent gasification (three gas tanks with total capacity of 15 000L) and air heating on base of gas convectors. Therefore, there was realized heating for rabbit shed without electricity, with low gas flow rate...
Views: 59907
Rockwork and decorative stones are very popular among the owners of countryside houses. Therefore you can decorate the «hat» of gas tank providing convenient access to devises and protection from snow. Any artificial round rock will be appropriate and easy to move...
Views: 59850
To avoid any damages of gas tank pipes it’s better to install it aside of drive way. There is no any sense to turn the «hat» of gas tank into play ground for kids or into the place to make barbecue. Gas tank is completely safe element of independent gasification. It’s impossible to explode gas tank...
Views: 59859
Only gas cylinder might be dangerous, it doesn’t have security valve and explodes in case of fire. Gas cylinders should be kept outside, in well ventilated metal case. In case of heating security valve on gas tank empties liquefied fraction into the air making the cistern completely safe...
Views: 60627
Knowing the density and quantity of liquefied gas in liters it’s possible to calculate the volume of evaporated gas in cubic meters. But this figure will be approximate – density of liquefied gas depends on temperature and composition of propane-butane mixture. The only one constant value is weight of liquefied gas, that’s why the flow rate is taken in kilograms ...
Views: 59770
Views: 59800
Nowhere. Already used cisterns from «Antonio Merloni Cylinders» are not sold. There were not registered any situations of refund or sales of secondhand «Antonio Merloni» gas tanks. Service life of Italian cisterns for LPG: more than 50 years. To buy secondhand cisterns from other producers is a risk and outrageous economy...
Views: 60807
Mixture of propane and butane is used in gas tanks. Evaporation of propane happens at -45oC, butane – at -2oC. That’s evaporating temperature which determines different mixture composition, divides gas for «summer» and «winter» with different percent correlation of propane and butane
Views: 59817
No. Independent gas tanks for cottages don’t require any registration in Rostechnadzor which doesn’t register objects in private property. Local fireman controls only the maintenance of fire norms: minimum distance between gas tanks and all residential facilities – 10 meters, from auto-road – 5 meters...
Views: 59803
Ground waters will not become an embarrassment for independent gasification and its stable work. Wet ground is a good thing because water is a heat carrier. In winter frosts, in case of ground waters, gas tank demonstrates better efficiency. In the bottom of the cistern there is provided special anchor...
Views: 59766
It’s important that gas supply and heating systems to be mounted by only one company. Any division in mounting of these systems will always make a client responsible, and installers will blamely point to each other. Package approach speaks for the professionalism. Choose where it’s more reliable...
Views: 59774
Installation company should be completely opened to a client: to have an office, staff, maintenance department. That would be nice to see on the website clear feedback, positive and negative comments. The preference should be given to the company which realizes full package of services, from top to bottom...
Views: 59799
What is hidden behind small amount of the first payment to be connected to the main pipeline gas? New payments which will be numerous and the final amount will be much higher than the first expenses. Often people refuse “cheap” main pipeline gas and switch to independent gas supply even loosing invested money...
Views: 59839
Professionals from Group of Companies «Terrikom» apply on the objects reliable ElectroFusion fittings from PLASSON Ltd Company. Polyethylene Plasson fittings provides simplicity of mount, high strong connection of HDP pipes and perfect working characteristics during long period of exploitation...
Views: 59750
The goal of pressure testing operations is to verify hermeticity of the pipelines, to detect defects and damages in connections, pipes, centers. Time pressure testing is realized with high-sensitive digital pressure gage. After pressure test you can estimate an accuracy of system mounting...
Views: 59807
The goal of start-up and adjustment works is to activate a system and to guarantee long and flawless operation. A package of measures for start-up and adjustment works includes start-up of the system with the full power, detection of installation defects and inspection of functional ready state of mounted equipment...


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