Views: 59730 | A system of independent gasification for the cottage (countryside house, summer house) consists of: special cistern to store liquefied petroleum gas (underground gas tank), hidden gas pipeline installed under the ground, socket gas inlet to the building. Gas pipeline is connected to gas consumers inside gasified object by socket inlet. To mount gas pipeline there are used gas pipes made of low pressure polyethylene welded by electric box welding machine... |
Views: 59736 | To use the deep-earth thermal potential of the ground. Underground location of a gas tank is determined by the necessity to maintain positive temperatures inside the cistern which are required for boiling and evaporating of liquefied gas. The space between the walls of the cistern is fulfilled with special composition which allows inside bulb to «absorb» the heat of the ground... |
Views: 59634 | Efficiency of independent gas supply system (efficiency of gas tank) is a parameter which characterizes the quantity of evaporated gas which is able to appear passing from liquefied to gaseous state. Gas evaporating in the cisterns with big temperatures is more intensive what provides higher efficiency... |
Views: 59612 | Gas evaporating in horizontal gas tank occurs at the temperature of higher than minus 20-22°С! Vertical gas tanks from «Antonio Merloni» really keep working capacity at the temperature till -40°С. Vertical cisterns from “Antonio Merloni” 2.2 times more intensively evaporate gas comparing to any horizontal cistern... |
Views: 59636 | A pit for a cistern to store liquefied petroleum gas is organized in the certain place next to gasified object – according to fire security norms PB 12-609-03 and according to technical specification. The system of independent gasification should be placed on the distance of no less than 5 meters from living house, 2 meters from hard fence and 1 meter from septic... |
Views: 59740 | Vertical gas tanks from «Antonio Merloni» are geothermal and don’t require any evaporators. Italian gas tanks will not lose their working capacity even in the conditions of harsh winter. Gas evaporators are used to increase operational efficiency when the natural evaporating is insufficient for normal operating of gas consumer... |
Views: 59629 | Three-component anode-cathode protection (two cathodes and one anode) is the only one protection under the ground for the gas tank from the impact of vagabond and induce underground currents. Anode-cathode protection expands service life of the cistern... |
Views: 59649 | Concrete-alkaline pad allows to compensate ground movements. Support plate does not afraid of loadings, underground induce electric currents and acid-base environment, service life is more than 50 years... |
Views: 59784 | Send well transmits heat from the ground to a gas tank, it does not let the flame pass, it well drains water, reduces any mechanical damages which might occur during spring thaw. «Sand lock» softens the impact of ground movements to the walls of the gas tank and the pipeline... |
Views: 59662 | A system of independent gasification with use of gas tanks from «Antonio Merloni.» is completely safe alternative to natural gas from the main pipeline. Gas tank concludes a safety which is guaranteed by the signaling leakage sensor, grounding system and the absence of increased pressure. Beginning from 1952 there have not been registered any accidents in the world connected with independent gasification... |
Views: 59707 | Independent gas will require the payment only one or two times per year – you pay only after gas carrier comes and charges the cistern. Gas-flow rate depends on several factors: heat loss rate of the house, the quantity of gas consumers and the type of gas equipment... |
Views: 59658 | The maintenance of independent gasification system comes down to reinspection of the equipment during charging... |
Views: 59624 | Mounting of independent gas supply system with one gas tank will take 1 (one) day. No more than 4 hours! Gasification of a private house can be fast. |
Views: 59726 | The maintenance of gas tanks does not require any documents registration. Vertical gas tanks from «Antonio Merloni» require minimum maintenance: chagrins and periodical inspection of reducer condition... |
Views: 59637 | Italian equipment from «Antonio Merloni» is more expensive than the equipment from other companies because of its high quality, reliability, infallibility, durability, safety and minimum maintenance. Considering to use it for a long time, gas tanks from «Antonio Merloni» will not require soon replacement or buying of new vaporizers.... |
Views: 59640 | Reduction-drive gearboxes are destined to correct gas pressure till working rates. Depending from the filling level of a gas tank the efficiency might vary very much. Double reduction allows to be independent from the quantity of gas in the gas tanks – pressure will be the same in full and in almost empty cistern... |
Views: 59942 | You can check the rest of liquefied petroleum gas in gas tank with help of magnetic float level indicator. Magnetic display panel will inform you in percents with high precision the level of gas in the cistern. Necessity of charge will not turn to surprise for you! |