About «Antonio Merloni» Company. Past. Part 1.

Everything began in Italy
(Pic. 1.1 – Everything began in Italy)
Paper mills
(Pic. 1.2 – Paper mills.)
Quality is when clients who come back to the company and not the goods.
Unknown author.

The history of «Antonio Merloni Cylinders Ghergo Group S.p.А.» creation takes seed from pretty small Italian town Fabriano, a provincial capital of Ankona, hidden in Apennin ring.

Everything began in sunny Italy, in the center of Adriatic coast, in Marke region.

Small Fabriano town with 30 000 population within 30 years became an undeniable leader among industrial cities of Umbria and Marke regions. Glory of Fabriano town crossed the border of Italy.

Paper manufacturing became the landmark of the town and its pledge of the prosperity in the Middle Ages. In XIII century Miliani paper mills produced high-end paper of top quality which was in great demand on the territory of future Italy and in neighbor regions. These three great inventions belong to Fabrian people:

  • Using of hydraulic power of falling-tup machine with spindle head to knead raw materials under water pressure what allowed to get more straight paper grain;
  • Wheat starch used in traditional paper surface processing was changed for animal gelatin; special technology development allowed to make paper more plain and resistant;
  • Development of water mark technology.

In 1930 there was built up a first brick in advanced industrial development of Fabriano – senator Aristide Merloni opened a small factory which produced domestic and industrial weigh-scales. Senator started his business in agricultural region that young people were leaving for abroad to search for better life. Aristide Merloni opted for changes and technical progress. Competition in other regions was really huge but the needs of small town were met over and above. However within 1940 “Merloni Products” already controlled a half of Italian weight-scale market.

Further development and growth were interfered by the Second World War.

“Ariston” and “ARDO” brands founder.
(Pic. 1.3 – «Ariston» and «ARDO»
brands founder.)

The factory was reopened in 1945, and some time later Merloni got his starring role again; he became a leading producer of weight-scales in Italy. Postwar corporate growth was continued: Aristide Merloni and his sons launched a production of tanks for liquefied gas in Matelika and Sasso Ferrato cities. Senator, as the phrase goes, «has found himself». High quality products appeared extremely demanded among other producers of different industrial and domestic appliances; they used Merloni components to produce their own equipment. In spite of significant step forward Aristide Merloni was not satisfied with existing position so, he decided to support his son’s idea to start production of their own domestic appliance.

In the early sixties, the Company created new «Ariston» trade mark – later this brand became one of the most popular on domestic appliance market.

In 1968 Antonio Merloni who looked ahead his father in mobility and entrepreneurial spirit in new fields became a director of one of Italian companies produced washing machines, refrigerators and kitchen appliance. Long time Antonio Merloni was spending his money for his clients’ preferences research. Finally his products found their customers across all Italy, and Fabriano became a real industrial city where first-class professionals arrived with great pleasure.

Examined European market of domestic appliance Antonio Merloni decided to create a new company - «ARDO S.p.A.» («Arredemento Domestico», translated from Italian as «Domestic Appliance»). «Santa-Maria» factory situated in Fabriano became an industrial center.

In 1970, before the tragic death in flight accident, Aristide Merloni divided his company among his three sons who inherited different branches helms of family enterprise. Vittorio was in charge of domestic appliance production within «Merloni Elettrodomestici» Group. Francesco led «Merloni TermoSanitari» produced heating appliance and bathtubs. Antonio got weigh-scales and gas equipment production.




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