Two farms

Stas and Oleg were friends since they were schoolboys. They always invented something together; they inflamed with ideas also together but performed them separately – like two competitors who wished to walk away from each other. But it was not a competition itself – just competitive mood and desire to challenge. That even joined them: later looking to the results of their efforts and comparing them “who made it better” they laughed, discussed disadvantages and ... made new plans.

That became kind of tradition.

That is why, fifteen years later after graduation from the school the friends were inflamed with an idea to organize their own farm businesses – there was nothing strange in it. The next goal, the goal of an adult which was going to be reached by their own, different ways.

Two small agricultural businesses. Two farms. Two farmers-beginners. Fair-haired Stas and dark-haired Oleg – at school this couple of friends was nicknamed Yin and Yang. The friends never took offence.

Young entrepreneurs turned their regards to a village. That was quite difficult to find profitable and free business niche in the city; there were also required quite significant investments there but farming seemed to be future oriented direction. They started being everyone on their own piece of land (small funds were enough for that); they decided to solve problems one thing at a time.

Great idea! – Fair-haired Stas said. – Heigh!
– How fantastic will we live! - Great, - dark-haired Oleg agreed; whose cattle-farm birth was step for step with the birth of a cattle-farm of his friend. – Chickens, geese, pigs – it will be enough for the beginning. And when we’ll develop – then we’ll …

- Let’s try; we’ll start with small thing. Farmer certificate is not required to have chickens and pigs.

Very soon there was obtained «authorization» from local administration, construction started humming. But when the friends faced with the question of heating for the farms their opinions, like in the childhood, divided.

- Here there is required gasification. I’m not going to «draggle» the main pipeline, - Oleg said. – I’d better connect to cheap gas and – ooh!
- It’s too long, - Stas was reasoning, - moreover you’ll have a headache with all these allowances.
- But it’s cost-efficient! – assured Oleg.
- That’s depends, just wait for the beginning, pay this and that and later that. Don’t fall into the same trap, my dear friend. One gasification might differ from another gasification! Do as I did, I prefer independent gas! Why should I depend on bureaucracy and the pipe of someone?
- No, my dear friend, I have already decided!
And they went everyone by their own way. Yin and Yang.


Hen houses, geese houses and piggeries were asked for heating by gas because electricity, heating oil and wood could bring you very fast to the edge of business failure. Only gas could reduce the prime cost of the products.

Dark-haired Oleg, who wished to get «gas privileges» from the main pipeline, went into the question of connection to the «blue fuel».

- You’ll be waiting for minimum ten months, - Stas told his friend but Oleg didn’t listen to him.

The process improved very slowly, step by step. Issuing of technical specifications (TS) to connect to the main pipeline gas provoked the beginning of running and paperwork. The request about connection of natural gas was handled in trust of gas service more than month. Oleg became overgrown with papers, his feet were bringing him from one doorstep to another, he was becoming emotional. He was looking for general layout, processed real estate documents, realized thermotechnical calculations, ordered geodesy of the land …

One and half months later he went ahead with gas supply project (where sacred main pipeline will come from, which diameter, how will it be connected to the house on the lot) and charged it to realize to local gas service. He was asked more money than outside company but he hoped that it would be faster. The hope wasn’t justified.

Project agreement with regional and local authorities, and also with other organizations, this list he received at Department of Architecture, added him some white hairs and headache, but didn’t clarify anything. Paid all this joy and seemed like to solve all organization questions, Oleg got into unclear standby mode.

To mount the system and get acceptance document for gas pipeline there just short of eternity left. It seemed to be.
- As soon as there will be enough quantity of those who wish, - he was waved off in one cabinet, - we’ll proceed. We are not going to install distribution gas pipeline according to the only one request.

«Nobody is going … and I’m also not going to work», - Oleg thought with sadness watching the frosts to be approaching to his dream – to the farm.


Meantime Stas observed with satisfaction his farm, already prepared for the frosts, to be heating up.

Only one phone call to the office of «Terrikom» Company was enough for independent gasification. Professionals heard him out attentively, offered ultimate solution and few days later a team of mounters arrived to the farm: they made on-site consultation, discussed all details and signed contract to mount the system of independent gas supply.

No any inconveniences and no need to wait. Installed, checked and started up. They realized heating on base of «Antonio Merloni» vertical gas tanks and provided with hot water on gas. They organized general storage for liquefied petroleum gas made of cisterns connected by cascade; as for gas pipeline net, they distributed it all around the objects of the cattle farm.

Gear wheels of business process started spinning; orders from markets and stores started arriving.

As for Oleg, he continued to be overgrowing by the net of nerve-racking and papers which could be enough, as Stas was evil joking, not for a long but anyway to heat the farm.

- But I cautioned you, - fair-haired Stas said, - and nobody knows what would be the result of your epopoeia … As soon as the dates will be approved, as soon as documents for administrative and technical operations will be ready, as soon as they will mount, committee will check, the guys from Moscow gas service will come, the process of acceptance will take one month, then they will seal it and issue a contract for start-up and maintenance…. When did they promise at least to start?

- They only promise jams tomorrow! – bewailed dark-haired Oleg. – Maybe this autumn… maybe next year … I’m sick and tired! They only suck out money, but things aren’t moving!


Winter arrived and left. Then it was spring. Summer…
Next autumn Oleg’s patient was worn out.
His mind was racing, indifference accumulated. Being like in a haze he was thinking of gas recovery, about its future: here “blue” fuel is reaching big cities and settlements through a pipe; but his way is blocked by gas distributing plants which reduce pressure, send gas to villages and towns and there are new plants and … awaiting, awaiting, awaiting. Endless waiting. Paper sea on the table in front of the window looked to dead farm constructions which were pinned on so many hopes.

I’m fed up! The main pipeline gas to the farm – no, thank you, I’m full with promises!

One evening Oleg knocked Stas’ door and to the gabble and pigs grunting asked his friend a business card of «Terrikom» Company.

- Come in, - Stas invited. He led him to the kitchen, gave a cup of savoury tea, and drew closer a basket with cakes and cookies. While Oleg was helping himself, Stas brought beautiful glossy catalogue with vertical gas tanks on the cover page. On the upper side there was fixed nice business card. «Gasification in 1 day!» – Oleg read the business card. His friend was always complimentary about «Terrikom»; he spoke about experts from this company as real professionals. However, any special recommendations were not required – Oleg saw everything with his own eyes. Stas’ farmstead was prospering and independent gas was one of the things which played one of no less important roles.

- Yes, yes, I know, - Oleg nodded to the question which Stas wanted to ask. – You cautioned me about this main pipeline gas, you spoke about the rake… You were right…
Watching the business card he dialed the number of mobile phone and pressed «call». No reason to postpone? How I go again!
- Guys, carry me out! - He said when he heard in the phone welcoming voice of a manager. – Please, install your outlandish gas tank; as for the money invested in the main pipeline air, I’ll ask it back from unreliable guys. Thank you, of course … which area? ... Just a second…

Oleg put a cake on the plate and started answering the questions asked by the expert – from one word to another approaching independent gas supply for the farm.
- They said that they would manage in one day, they will mount it, - and finishing the conversation Oleg informed Stas being quit surprised. – Look, the business card doesn’t lie.

- It doesn’t lie, - nodded fair-haired Stas. – You are not the only one who hasn’t waited over the main pipeline. Who asked independent gasification for help. Don’t worry my dear friend. Forget as a night mare. Before you know it, gas tank will take your farmstead under its warm wing.
- Eh, I should have done it from the beginning… - dark-haired Oleg took a sip of delicious tea, put a cup on the table, tapped on the catalogue of Italian equipment from «Antonio Merloni» and smiled. – Everything will be settled out very soon!



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