Environment friendly, comfortable and clean independent gasification.

Independent gas supply in the house saves environment
(Pic. 22.1 – Independent gas supply in the house saves environment.)
High ecological properties of independent gasification
(Pic. 22.2 – High ecological properties of independent gasification.)

Independent gas supply in the house saves environment and maintains favorable environmental situation. Independent gasification in a private house keeps you from inconvenient soot formation, which adheres to the walls of the boiler and reduces thermal transmission coefficient (what causes an increase of fuel rate). Disassembling and cleaning of the combustor is not required. There are no sulfur smells that are typical for diesel fuel.

There is no need to spend money to organize a system of mechanical ventilation to solve a problem of smells and to provide a room with fire security. Using heating systems which don’t depend from electrical power you reduce service maintenance expenses in tens. Choosing an energy source, gas for country house will be the best solution.

And what’s about other types of fuel? Heating on coal or on wood destroys environment and adversely affects to hygienic and sanitary conditions. At the first glance electrical power looks like quit ecological. But it’s not a true! It’s true that distinctive excellence of electricity is ecological security of transmission through the power lines and its exploitation (compare to harmful aspects of fuel transportation and its pumping over). But there is another side of the corner exists: electrical power generation on numerous CHP-plants, HP-plants and Atomic Power Stations is connected with negative environment impact. Power assets refer to industrial facilities which are the most destructive for biosphere in the impact degree.

Independent gasification is an exceptionally safe system. After liquefied petroleum gas combustion carbonic oxide gets in the atmosphere three times less than after gasoline and diesel fuel combustion. There is less release of carcinogen hydrocarbon - a dangerous nitrogen dioxide. Combustion products don’t contain harmful lead compounds, paraffin and aromatic polymers. Smoke content index is much less. Liquefied petroleum gas doesn’t have a disastrous influence to the soils. High ecological degree allows to use independent gas supply almost without any limits in cottages, country houses, summer houses, private workshops, restaurants and in car service centers.

The boiler is operating without any noise. You will not suffer from night roar as you might do while diesel burner operating. High automation level will make you free from constant equipment control and its maintenance. There is a flash fact exists: independent gas might be even useful! Propane-butane bled into the atmosphere draws tight ozone holes.



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