All purpose gas is used for heating, hot water supply, cooking, stand by and current electrical power supply, and for different systems and appliances operating. Gas in your summer house, cottage and house is a comfort and domesticity.

(Pic. 16.1 – Outdoor gas barbecue.)

(Pic. 16.2 – Convenient gas.)
Gas supply systems provide an operating of different gas equipment in the house:
- Outdoor radiant warmer efficient in cold weather;
- Outdoor barbecue which allows cooking fast (without time spending for firing) with possibility to adjust a temperature.
- Fireplaces and saunas (steam baths); fast heating excludes the problem of preparation, storage and wood firing – the system is launching with only one button push.
- Design lighting, “fire alley”.
Dependence of the systems in private house from power supply can be reduced to a minimum. This can be possible conveying main life support systems to the independent gas supply, fitting pumping group, operating on wind power. Then your house will need scanty quantity of electrical power – by 2-2,5kW (lighting, fridge and entertainment systems). For big country houses (from 200m2) it’s reasonable to organize proper gas operating conditioning which doesn’t require electrical power. This decision has a useful secondary effect: during the operating process air conditioner will use taken warmth to heat water instead of wastefully throwing it out to the atmosphere. Competent and step-by-step organization of life support system in your house using independent gasification (wind and sun power) will turn electrical power to miserable and low-cost stroke to whole comfort and domesticity of your house. Scientific and technological progress allows to look at familiar things at another angle of view and appreciably reduce expenses applying civilized approach to engineering systems.
Heating systems which don’t use electrical power are applied in country houses, cottages, summer houses, in residential and manufacturing areas which are not connected to the centralized gas supply system. Independent gas supply communications are lying to domestic houses, boiler houses, saunas and other buildings. Independent gas supply can be realized even in hard landscape conditions.