Search of free sales agents: profitable cooperation

Free sales agent
(pic. 114.1 – Free sales agent)

Group of Companies «Terrikom» proposes profitable cooperation: the possibility to become free sales agent.

We are looking for people who cannot, who don’t want or who don’t have the possibility to work with computer (they are afraid of using special programs, tables and so on) but who aspire in searching of new clients for independent gasification.

GC «Terrikom» is searching for free sales agent responsible for the questions of independent gas supply organized on base of Italian gas tanks from «Antonio Merloni Cylinders Ghergo Group S.p.А.».

Independent gasification like a reasonable alternative to the main pipeline natural gas solves the problem of gas and heating absence. The system includes gas tank (special gas cistern) and delivery pipelines.

Collaboration mechanism
(pic. 114.2 – Collaboration mechanism)

Cooperation mechanism is quite simple::

  • Free sales agent finds a client. 

  • In phone conversation free agent gives to a manager of GC «Terrikom» his/her data: full name, contact information (in case of bargain to have the possibility to call back).

  • Free agent leaves an order: full name of a client, his phone number and e-mail address; address of the object, area of gasified house; length of gas pipeline from the inlet to the house to independent gas cistern.

  • After the order is accepted, professional from GC «Terrikom» prepares commercial proposal and within an hour (working time) sends it to potential client found by free agent.

  • Client makes his decision according to received commercial proposal.

Free sales agent can contact the client assisting in the deal till the end. In case the client agrees with commercial proposal, GC «Terrikom» will gasify an object within 1-2 days realizing mounting and start-up of the system. After the bargain is closed the agent gets a percent from the profit return: either by cash in office of GC «Terrikom» or by bank transfer.

Percent is «floating»- from 15 to 25% from the profit depending from the quantity of the orders:

Activity index
(pic. 114.3 – Activity index )
  • 1st order – 15% from the profit;
  • 2nd order (in the same month) – 20% from the profit;
  • 3d order (in the same month) – 25% from the profit.

In the future, if there will be at least only one order per month free sales agent will get the same 25% from the profit. But each «blank» month (without any realized order) reduces the percent from the profit till 20%. Two «blank» month – till 15%.

I.e. here it’s «Activity index» which works: the more free sales agent enterprising the higher his wage.

Find yourself in position of free agent of GC «Terrikom», official representative of «Antonio Merloni» Company in Russia and in countries of Customs Union. Be sure in quality and reliability of equipment offered to a client.

15-25% from the profit at minimum participation in deal closing – exceptional CHANCE!


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