Equipment from «Antonio Merloni»: cylinders for LPG

Cylinders from «Antonio Merloni» for liquefied gas
(pic. 72.1 – Cylinders from «Antonio Merloni»
for liquefied gas )
Made in ITALY
(pic. 72.2 – Made in ITALY)

Italian Corporate «Italian Corporate » produces cylinders for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). All cylinders are made according to European Directive 2010/35 ЕС and according to norms EN 1442.

Capacity of the cylinders for LPG can vary: it is possible to store there from 3 to 62 kg of liquefied petroleum gas. It is also possible to produce gas cisterns according to preferences and drawings of the customer. Cylinders of different capacities were agreed, produced and supplied to Ivory Coast, Cyprus, England, Greece, Malta, Sudan and Ethiopia.

«Antonio Merloni» Company also proposes gas cylinders of different volume to store cooling agents (Freon gas), ammonia and sulfur gas. High quality and inside purity of cylinders play very important role in the fields of refrigerating and air conditioning. All products made by Corporate «Antonio Merloni Cylinders Ghergo Group S.p.А.» passed tightened inspection procedure which guarantees absolute quality.

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