Buying independent gas tank we have a question: Which way of transportation for cistern to choose? To confide in transport company or to prefer other variants?

(pic. 85.1 – Various methods of delivery
of gas tanks)
Besides services of transport companies there are two ways exist to delivery gas tanks from «Antonio Merloni Cylinders Ghergo Group S.p.А.»:
- Self-delivery.
- Transport facilities of group of Companies «Terrikom».
Self-delivery is the cheapest variant – a client or his authorized representative ships equipment for independent gasification by himself from the warehouse in Moscow.
Services of transport facilities and manipulator from GC «Terrikom» will be more expensive for a client (it is the most cost-based from all three variants) but they will become a guarantor of reliability – transportation of gas tank will be realized observing all precautions.
The choice in favor of transport company’s services (any of them!) holds the following «hidden pitfalls»:
Gas tank, shipped to a transport company chosen by a client is in a big danger. Ideal delivery here is nowhere near. Very often transport companies don’t care about the state which will be goods in after they will be delivered. But transportation of equipment for system of independent gas supply is serious and responsible step. The most of the companies don’t ensure observance of required delivery conditions and - very often! – don’t have special transportation facilities required for vertical transportation.
Way of delivery | Self-delivery | Transport of GC “Terrikom” | Services of transport companies |
Advantageous price | yes | — | — |
Reliability of the delivery | — | absolute | Damages risk |
Conclusion: Perfect and the only one correct way of transportation for independent gas tank is by transport and manipulator of GC «Terrikom», official representative of «Antonio Merloni» Company in Russia and in member countries of Customs Union.

(pic. 85.2 – Do not skimp
on transportation)
Because reliability of transportation is the top-priority! And contact of cistern for liquefied petroleum gas storage with other equipment and things is unacceptable!
Are you still thinking of saving on delivery? Do you want to put your trust to a chance? Your right. The main is that you should remember that transport companies don’t warrant the safety of the equipment.
For your note: If you need to deliver gas tank to the Far East there is additional solution exists which will not allow delivery price come up with the price for the price of gas tank itself. These are 40-feet containers which come back from Moscow empty. In such containers it is possible to fit up to 4 gas tanks with capacity of 1650 liters. If you arrange directly with a driver you can save up to 90% from the cost which would be asked by transport company.
Have a safe trip!
And don’t forget about goods insurance when you deliver to regions!
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