(pic. 107.1 – Safety precautions)

(pic. 107.2 – Safe gas tank)
Sometimes limited space doesn’t leave us big choice in space to install a gas tank. Usually cisterns for LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) are installed in a pit next to the entrance to the lot. To avoid any damages of gas tank pipes it’s better to install it aside of drive way.
Speaking about the «hat» of the cistern it’s reasonable to say the following: you can break whatever you want. There is no sense to turn equipment into play ground (to jump on the cover) or into the place to make barbecue (make a fire). For the rest – there are no any problems.
Any gas supply facility organized outside is completely safe. And the gas tank itself is completely safe element of independent gasification. No any accidents occurred because of gas tanks have been registered beginning from 1952 (during the fire occurred on the factory in Mexico there was an explosion of some cisterns). It’s impossible to explode a gas tank because here you need three conditions: closed space, fatal gas concentration (5-8%), flame source (spark).
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