(pic. 46.1 – Gasification of solid fuel)
Gasification is conversing (transformation) process of solid and liquid fuel organic parts to gases, which are more convenient for future combustion: in external and inner combustor chambers, in boilers burners. Combustion gases, received by high-temperature heating with oxidizing agent are called power gases.
Gasification process is realized in producer gas generators where the technological advantage is environmental friendliness – small negative influence to the environment. As raw materials there can be used: brown coal, mineral coal, peat, oil shale, fuel oil, wood or goudron.
During the gasification process to 80% of organic part of the fuel is converted from solid fuel to gaseous phase. This method is widely used for low-grade fuel reprocessing. Gasification of petroleum feedstock is realized with presence of oxidizing agent.
Power gas received by gasification is used as a fuel; after the treatment it is used as a reagent mixture to produce methanol and liquid hydrocarbons, and as a hydrogen source for ammonia production.
After complete fuel gas combustion substances noxious for the environment are escaped in much smaller quantities comparing with direct combustion of solid fuel. This allows to save on expensive cleaning equipment for dispersed to the atmosphere combustion gases and on the equipment for solid wastes disinfection.
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