Lets’ «share» for three?

Independent gasification doesn’t exclude connection of several consumers to gas cistern. But…

Let’s “share” for three?
(pic. 134.1 – Let’s «share» for three?)
Gasification of several constructions
(pic. 134.2 – Gasification of several

Communal system of independent gasification for three neighboring houses? To «share» for three when there are involved three different owners will be hardly possible. It’s unprofitable and causes problems. Nothing but disadvantages: heat meters on the input to control Who «has eaten» gas and How much; long areas of gas pipelines; gas tank installed on the neutral territory and other disadvantages.

To join several lots under the only one «roof» of the independent gasification is costly affair. Neighbor alliance causes permanent control after each other, questions of consumption and payment.

A different kettle of fish will be if one owner wants to gasify three his owns constructions, for example, house, sauna and garage (hot frame, workshop). Here it will be realizable and fully reasonable step. Gas from «Antonio Merloni» gas tanks will be supplied to the objects through triple adaptor which divides gas pipeline.

Considering this, why don’t we «share» for three??

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