(Pic. 19.1 - Profit from independent gas)

(Pic. 19.2 – Gas for private house)
It’s convenient to have gas in a private house. Opposed to main pipeline gas supply, independent gas excludes dependence from pressure drops in the pipeline because of the trivial gas thievery. It’s not a supplier guilty, it’s a neighbor who steals at his neighbor; and it’s almost impossible to detect these unauthorized connections to the main pipeline. Nobody is going to get out from the ground all main pipeline communications to control legality of existing connections.
This problem becomes more relevant during New Year holidays when you get 8Mbars pressure instead of 13Mbars established pressure what causes boiler shutdown (burner starvation). Any claims are useless; they will be similar to the voice in the bladder.
Independent gasification in country house excludes such kind of troubles. Pressure in the underground tank considerably exceeds the pressure which is necessary for boiler and other equipment operating. Working range of gas pressure in tanks of Italian manufacturer «Antonio Merloni Cylinders Ghergo Group S.p.А.» is maintained by double reduction which also allows to be independent from the quantity of gas in the tank. Pressure in the tank is always stable at any charge level and at any temperature.
Use of independent heating systems ensures complete independence from community facilities and bureaucracy. Independent gasification will save you from queue “ceremonies” which are usually unavoidable when you come to the bank. Independent gas requires only once or twice payment per year – you pay only after gas carrier coming and charge the tank, without leaving the territory of your lot.