Equipment from «Antonio Merloni»: underground cisterns for LPG

Italian quality from «Antonio Merloni»
(pic. 77.1 – Italian quality from
«Antonio Merloni»)
Equipment from «Antonio Merloni»: Underground cisterns for LPG storage
(pic. 77.2 – Equipment from «Antonio Merloni»:
Underground cisterns for LPG storage)

Underground cisterns from “Antonio Merloni” are specialized to store LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) and used in the systems of independent gas supply.

The body of the cistern has special treatment: external surface is covered by three layers of corrosion resistant epoxy paint, which provides protections of the cistern from chemicophysical impact and also isolates from underground vagabond currents.

The thickness of protective coat: 800 microns. Today this is the most effective and reliable protection of the metal under the ground.

Special corrosion resistant coat stands against inside corrosion of underground gas tank.

Underground cisterns from «Antonio Merloni» are equipped with the system of three component anode-cathode protection (2 cathodes, 1 anode) which prevents the impacts of vagabond and induce underground currents. Anode-cathode protection is connected and activated on the factory and is already included in the set of each delivered gas tank. All equipment from «Antonio Merloni» is completely grounded.

The distance between the walls of the cistern is fulfilled with composition which does not disturb heat interchange from the ground to inner bulb what provides the conditions for boiling and evaporating of liquefied gas.

This is a range of the volumes for underground cisterns to store LPG:

  • Horizontal: 1000 L, 1750 L , 2750 L, 5000 L.
  • Vertical: 500 L, 1000 L, 1650 L, 2250 L, 5000 L.

All the cisterns to store liquefied petroleum gas are made according to European Directive 97/23/CE.

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