(pic. 15.1 – Gas for fuel filling stations)

(pic. 15.2 – Charging by natural-gas-based
motor fuel)
Natural-gas-based motor fuel
Fuel filling stations can sell gas fuel. Prime Minister of Russia said: «let gas be».
Published Government Regulation signed by Dmitry Medvedev broadened the range of fuels available on AZS. Now together with gasoline and diesel fuel there will be also realized charging by natural-gas-based motor fuel. The Regulation extends minimum list of the services rendered on fuel filling stations. The changes will concern only new AZS which have the possibility to install such kind of equipment.
These actions are appealed to activate the increase of gas engine quantities on transportation devices and to increase the growth of volumes in gas use as engine fuel. Thereby the goal is to improve ecological situation along traffic arteries in Russia, to reduce the quantity of polluting emissions to the atmosphere. This is the next wide step of the Government which is focused to stimulate domestic consumption of «blue-sky» fuel.
Russian AZS will change. Petroleum and diesel fuel-filling columns will be joined by gas filling columns, and the owners of vehicles operated on gas will get equal possibilities as owners of gasoline and diesel engines.
According to experts’ opinion, only big petroleum and gas companies will have the benefit from these innovations. The Regulation «takes care» only of the interests of «Gasprom», «LUKOIL» and «Rosneft» monopolies who started construction of combined fuel filling stations to absorb interests from domestic market of natural-gas-based motor fuel.
Just to remind, in May’ 2014 Dmitry Medvedev signed the Regulation which «gasified» 50% of public transport. The importance of such soon switch of the vehicle fleet of Russia to natural gas also was marked by the President Vladimir Putin.