(pic. 64.1 – Self-regulated organizations)

(pic. 64.2 – Nonapplicability of SRO allowance to
the independent gasification)
Self-regulated organizations (SRO) are noncommercial private organizations, which are based on membership what groups the companies according to the unity of industry or to the market field (services, works); they can also hold together thanks to the certain kind of activity. SRO is organized for purpose mentioned in the Federal laws where the most important one is «Concerning Self-Regulatory Organizations».
The requirements applied to self-regulated organizations oblige all the members of SRO to maintain general standards of the professional activity. SRO rests on each its member property responsibility for high-quality work performance (service, produced goods). When a company, which is a member of SRC, performs a certain volume of the works according to the settled quality standards, SRO fixes or compensates a weakness made by its «supervisee».
When the certificates of authorization allowed to realize construction activity were canceled in 2010, created SRO proposed the licensing on noncommercial level. The idea to create SRO was to assign supervising function to the members of the market. The Government absolved itself of needless functions concentrated on supervising the final results of construction activities.
In the context of the independent gasification for countryside houses, summer houses and cottages (objects of IHC - individual housing construction) зачастую usually plays the role an ignorance of «scope» in SRO activity.. A lot of companies which realize a mounting of the systems of independent gas supply flaunt to have SRO allowance. Such kind of organizationsinstill to the client pretended confidence in secure of performed works on their lot, which is said to be guaranteed by the membership in SRO.
It is, mildly speaking, an illusion.
The illusion which should be broken by the The Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russian Federation (№624 dated 30.12.2009) «Concerning the affirmation for the List of engineering investigation works, preparation of project documentation, construction, reconstruction, rebuilding of the capital construction projects».By the Decision of the Supreme Court of Russian Federation (11.11.2010) the Order is affirmed as not contradictory to the current legislation.
Allow us to quote an extract from this Order, art.2:
«To establish that the List does not include the types of the works for the preparation of project documentation, construction, reconstruction, rebuilding […] of the private residential structures (free standing residential houses with the quantity of the floors no more than three, which are destined for the accommodation of no more than two families); residential houses with the quantity of floors no more than three, which consist of several blocks which quantity does not exceed ten and where each floor is destined for the accommodation of one family, it has conjoint wall (conjoint walls) without aperture with neighboring block or with neighboring blocks, it is situated on the separate land property and it has the access to the public space (terraced houses); apartment buildings with the quantity of the floors no more than three, that consist of one or several block-sections whose quantity does not exceed four, where each one has several apartments and communal areas and each one has its own porch with the access to the public space (read with the Order of Ministry of Regional Development of Russian Federation №536 dated 14.11.2011)».
You can find the full version of the Order (with amendments) following the link under the present article.

(pic. 64.3 – Objects of IHC)
Following the idea of abovementioned it is easy to conclude that SRO allowance can be applied only to big construction objects, it does not give any advantages to the crafty companies which organize the independent gas supply for the private houses and it does not give any guarantee to their clients. Be careful!
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- The Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russian Federation dated 30.12.2009, №624 "Concerning the affirmation for the List of works which have influence on the security of the capital construction objects".