About «Antonio Merloni» Company. Gas tanks manufacturing. Present. Part 1.

Future should be esteblished in the present.
G. Lichtenberg

Italian Corporate Group is European leader in manufacturing of tanks for liquefied petroleum gas storage – gas tanks of industrial and household purpose. Each tank for gas is produced according to the highest quality criteria, it has unprecedented lifetime and meets all security requirements.

«Antonio Merloni» gas tanks for independent gas supply with volume from 500 to 12500 liters are produced according to ISPESL Raccolta "VSR", "M", "S", European Directive 97/23/CE and according to EN 14075 (underground gas tanks) and EN 12542 (above the ground) standards.

To some extent «Antonio Merloni Cylinders Ghergo Group S.p.A.» can be also considered as a founder of liquefied gas tanks industry. Within more than 60 years of working the Company has taken strong leading position in this industrial segment. The Company consistently offers their customers its high quality and wide range of the products.

Today this Italian Corporate Group is a company which realizes gas tanks manufacturing from “a” till “Z” with process automation and tighten equipment control. The Company has unique approach: complete assembling and equipment on Italian factory, no need to perform any assembling works on place.

Official representative of «Antonio Merloni» Company
(Pic. 3.1 – Official representative of
«Antonio Merloni» Company)

Tanks working under pressure are widely used in independent heating systems during construction of residential houses and small enterprises of Western and Eastern Europe.

Official «Antonio Merloni Cylinders Ghergo Group S.p.A.» representative on the territory of Russia offers wide range of the products and ensures high quality of supplied goods. The Company has been permanently developing and growing hiring new reliable trade agents all around the country and out of its borders, creating a dealer net on the territory of Russia and neighboring countries to promote independent gasification of the houses on base of Italian equipment.

Success of «Antonio Merloni Cylinders Ghergo Group S.p.A.» today is a result of correct distributing net all around the world but not of vast and loud publicity.

On the website you can find important and interesting information about «Antonio Merloni Cylinders Ghergo Group S.p.A.» gas tanks; it will help you easily understand all details and aspects of independent gas supply, to know all advantages and unique characteristics of Italian products and make an ultimate choice in favor of one of the proposed product. You’ll be able to get answers to all your questions without any problems and also get detailed consultation from high qualified staff; it will provide you with maximum detailed data what will allow you to make an ultimate choice taking into account your individual desires.

Before to sign a contract a representative of the Company will investigate your lot, estimate the possibility to install a system, he will find the best position and calculate the volume of work. Gasification plan of a private house should be made by qualified professional because self-activity, ignorant technical solution, a mistake in calculations can cause unpleasant consequence like failures in gasification system functioning, irrational gas flow rate and even creation of emergency situations. For many years professionals of the Company have been developing gas supply projects of private houses, cottages and summer houses according to customize orders.

Fabriano town is a big industrial center
(Pic. 3.2 – Fabriano town is a
big industrial center. )

Design of independent gasification systems for country houses is realized taking into account all normative requirements and individual characteristics of the lot and residential building. All questions which might appear during mounting and exploitation of independent heating systems are solved on designing stage. This ensures security and longstanding uninterrupted operation.

In spite of quit “modest” dimensions and small population homey Fabriano town today has leading living standards in Italy. Tourism in the town is well developed, it’s remarkable with its gastronomical treasures, excellent wines and salami; as for the truffles they are very popular far outside of Italy.

Fabriano today is a big industrial center.

Here there is a merit of «Antonio Merloni Cylinders Ghergo Group S.p.А.» too: this is a merit of Antonio Merloni, the father of Aristide Merloni, who faithfully followed canonicity and always reminded his son about four virtues which plaid critical role in human being live: prudence, justice, courage and abstention. This is a merit of people who do their part with feeling and great love.



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