Sanctions which are not frightful: Western Concerns don’t participate in «offences» of the USA.

World Petroleum Congress
(Pic. 37.1 World Petroleum Congress)
Opening Ceremony
(Pic. 37.2 Opening Ceremony )

From the 15 - 19 June, in Moscow, in International Exhibition Center “Crocus Expo” took place the 21st World Petroleum Congress which has being hold since 1993.

In spite of the USA sanctions which have maturated from the disagreement with actions of RF in Ukraine, Western Concerns excluding the companies from the main Oil&Gas Canadian province Alberta participated in the session. Probable boycott has not occurred what was met with raised eyebrows and with scarcely disguised anger of the Government and the President of America.

World Petroleum Council appeared outside the policy «blob». Out of it. Placer of opinions didn’t disturb the most of participants; they came to the congress and participated in the forum with maximum profit.

4 500 delegates. Only companies from Alberta, province with hard recovered oil dropped out from the «pool». Local petroleum experts would find a lot of subjects to discuss with Russian colleagues but the policy, like The East is a delicate matter. Very delicate. The Government of the province «did not recommend» to registered in Alberta companies to participate in the congress.

World Petroleum Council «did not notice the loss of the soldier». Participation in the policy contradicts the principles of the forum organizers. The meeting has occurred. There participated more than 80 countries from all over the world: 80 ministers, 400 top level managers and heads of trade organizations.
In spite of the sanctions.



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