(pic. 18.1 – Collapse of the ruble)

(pic. 18.2 - Devaluation)
The Government of Russia is going to «drop» national ruble.
Little bit, carefully, softly – this was an assurance of Minister of Finance. Easing of the exchange rate should have positive effect for the national economy, especially for the federal budget. The ruble is going to be dropped in August – by means of market currency purchase for Reserve Fund. According to the forecast the devaluation will weaken the rate for 1-2 rubles.
In the Budget Merit the President Vladimir Putin announced a thesis where the main point was that the model of steady increase of budget expenses already exhausted its possibilities for today. Expensive resources do not provide economic expansion. The recession in some industrial sectors is evident.
Face to face with unavoidable crisis financial powers have the only one solution on their hands: careful and controlled devaluation of the national currency. Economical growth will be paid by working people: their work will be cheapened, the earnings will fall down. On the other hand cheapening of Russian goods will increase their competitive ability on the world market.
Nothing new. As it often happens the interests of the Motherland contradict the welfare growth of the citizens.
The market responded immediately. The opportunity of smooth ruble devaluation increased the rates of euro and dollar. Economic renovation is not guaranteed: an effect of week ruble might be overlapped by inflation. Devaluation might turn to great loss. Waiting for it being inactive means to choose a position of an ostrich.
Probably, it is reasonable to invest in your dreams right not: to realize a project of independent gasification on base of gas tanks from «Antonio Merloni Cylinders Ghergo Group S.p.А».
Not to wait. But to act before the ruble collapses.