(pic. 73.1 – Cisterns of big volumes)

(pic. 73.2 – Premium quality)
Cisterns to store substances of big volumes can be mounted underground or have ground-based construction. Italian company «Antonio Merloni» is characterized by big flexibility in manufacturing possibilities. The Corporate is able to satisfy the requirements of the clients with the products which can be calculated and adjusted according to the following standards:
- EN
Big cisterns from «Antonio Merloni» have following model range according to the capacity: 10000 L, 12500 L, 15000 L, 20000 L, 30000 L, 38000 L, 50000 L, 60000 L. The type and accessories positioning is determined by the client.
Russia | Moscow
Tel: 8 (495) 979-68-22 | 8 (495) 979-23-38
Skype: terrikom-07 | terrikom-06 | terrikom
E-mail: info@antonio-merloni.ru
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