10 reasons why you will never buy vertical gas tank.

10 reasons why you will never buy vertical gas tank
(pic. 32.1 – 10 reasons why you will
never buy vertical gas tank)
  1. Solutions proposed by Italian engineers from «Antonio Merloni Cylinders Ghergo Group S.p.А.» («Антонио Мерлони») seem to be weak: in independent gasification field comparing with other producers.
  2. You have never compared the weight of gas tanks from «Antonio Merloni Cylinders Ghergo Group S.p.А.» with the weight of gas tanks of other producers. Its magnificent weight thanks to the wall thickness of the cistern and the quality of the material which is an obvious measure of reliability and long service life don’t tell you anything.
  3. You were caught out by the advertizing of «Key-ready independent gas supply» and by difference in price levels not in favor of gas tanks from«Antonio Merloni Cylinders Ghergo Group S.p.А.», and you don’t pay attention to global differences in specification. And you don’t even feel strange that the others don’t have the following:   

  • Double reduction;
  • Three component anodic-cathode cover which protects from the impact of ground currents and underground induce currents.
  • «Marsupio» protective bag made of strong electrically conducting polymer.
  • Concrete-alkaline base which does not afraid of underground currents, loadings and acid-base environment.
  1. It is not important for you which temperature will be appropriate for operating of vertical gas tank during the winter.
Antonio Merloni – the leading company in the field of independent gasification
(pic. 32.2 – Antonio Merloni – the leading company
in the field of independent gasification)
  1. You don’t trust the photos and articles about the burying-places for horizontal gas tanks(https://antonio-merloni.ru/kladbiwegorizontalnyh-gazgolderov-jekonomija-v-ubytok). The reasons, why people get out of cisterns in 10 years and store them feeding off the market of secondhand horizontal gas tanks, are not important for you. You never ask yourself: «Why there is no any secondhand vertical cistern for gas storage on the market»?

  1. You are a last ditcher and you are not afraid of «floated up» horizontal gas tanks. You are not afraid of works to repair the «floating up».
  2. You are not afraid of additional expenses during the installation of vaporizer for horizontal gas tanks to evaporate gas at the temperature lower than -20º.
  3. You entirely confide your friends, neighbors and relatives who have already installed horizontal cisterns and now affirm that they don’t have any problems with independent gas supply.
  4. Minimum payment today is more important for you than the operating life of buying for this amount equipment.
  5. You better trust widely promoted goods – the equipment with powerful advertizing but not the equipment with better technical characteristics.

These reasons separate our roads in every directions but anyway if you will ever need really reliable and high quality system of independent gas supply please, come back… and who knows, probably you will never find yourself in the list of «AGAINST» reasons anymore.



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