Is registration of gas tanks for cottages in Rostechnadzor required?

Нет. No. Independent gas tanks for cottages don’t require any registration in bodies of Rostechnadzor.

Rostechnadzor, similar to Federal Service of Russian Federation, regulates only industrial-purpose national and legal entities. National Supervisory Authority doesn’t concern any registrations of objects in private housing. Cottage is private (individual) property where gas facilities are the subject of the responsibility of a house owner.

Registration is not required
(pic. 102.1 – Registration is not required)

Cistern installed on the lot (vessel under the pressure) is a part of householdership complex and corresponds to public-utility equipment for independent gasification of house and not for commercial purpose.

The rules of Rostechnadzor don’t concern gas tanks, similar to the systems of hot water supply and independent heating for house. A cistern should be registered only in case when the owner is individual entrepreneur or organization.

So, registration is not required. Private housing is a jurisdiction of local Fire-fighting Detachment which controls only the maintenance of fire norms: minimum distance between gas tanks and all residential facilities – 10 meters, from auto-road – 5 meters.

Mounting of gas tank and its launching are realized by certified company such as GC «Terrikom».

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