How many days will it take to mount a system of independent gasification?

Mounting of independent gas supply system with one gas tank will take 1 (one) day. No more than 4 hours!

All the details of the cistern are welded and pressure-tested before the delivery to an object. Gasification of residential house can be fast. The value of the time is undeniable. Independent gasification for one day will save invaluable time of the client and will warrant the reliability and long life for solved question of gas supply.

Mounting of a system for independent gasification
(pic. 13.1 – Mounting of a system
for independent gasification)

Don’t spend the years of your life waiting for the main gas pipeline, for the dreams about «blue-sky» fuel from the «pipe». Live in comfort in your country side house now and don’t rely on tomorrow. Gasification for one day! No one pretended economy will repay the years of discomfort and expectations.

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