Equipment from «Antonio Merloni»: protective bag «Marsupio»

Protective bag «Marsupio»
(pic. 74.1 – Protective bag «Marsupio»)
Patented product
(pic. 74.2 – Patented product)

«Marsupio» bag is unique patented product from «Antonio Merloni Cylinders Ghergo Group S.p.А.», which eliminates the risks of inappropriate installation of underground gas tank.
«Marsupio» bag also speeds up and simplifies mounting process on the object thanks to special mounting slings.

Strong electrically-conducting polymer (service – more than 150 years) which protective «Marsupio» bag is made of protects the cistern from mechanical damages during ground movements. Deep-earth thermal potential of the ground is used by special bag to warm up liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) which is inside the gas tank.

«Marsupio» bag contains special sand which maintains anode-cathode protection in active state all the year. Anode-cathode protection is connected to the protective bag and activated in the workshops of Italian Company «Antonio Merloni».


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