Mobile gas tank or gas tank – trailer

Mobile gas tank
(pic. 124.1 – Mobile gas tank)

It’s not quite correct to compare mobile gas tanks with vertical «Antonio Merloni » cisterns because of their specific features (concluded in the name) that is why let’s discuss another type of gas cisterns.

There might happen that mount of underground gas tank on countryside lot is not reasonable.

The owner closes his eyes to disadvantages of the main pipeline gas supply and decides to connect to the «state pipe». But he comes to his countryside house seldom, just during the weekend. He doesn’t have any wish to mess about the wood, but feel cold the least of all.

In this case some people use mobile gas tank or gas tank-trailer. They choose temporary solution; and when there is no more any need in mobile cistern they sell it.

Sometimes high quality long-lasting gasification cannot be realized because of small size of the lot and constructions positioning which disturb installation of underground gas tank. Mobile cistern here is one the solutions.

Mobile gas tank – in fact is big cylinder with gas installed on a trailer and in most case equipped with heating. This is alternative system of independent gas supply. This is alternative to gas cylinders.

Mobile gas tank is cheaper than underground fixed cistern but no less capacious (even comparing with minimum possible capacity of «Antonio Merloni» range – 1000 liters). On the other hand such cistern is more functional than cylinders with propane-butane

Gas tank-trailer can be used to heat cottage, private house, summer house, garage construction, household (temporary) construction, insignificant industrial object.

Connection to heating system of the private house is realized by quick disconnect fittings and doesn’t require special knowledge and qualification. Gas tank is fixed on the frame of trailer construction (special or general purpose).

But the problem of summer house is not the only one. Sometimes mobile gas tanks are used even on serious industrial objects where movable cisterns are used to feed electrical power generators. Gas tanks-trailer plays role of associated gas holder which is burnt for nothing on drilling rig systems. To make associated gas useful it is used in dual-fuel (where the part of diesel fuel is replaced by associated gas; saving up to 66% of diesel fuel) and gas generators.

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