Objects realized by GC “Terrikom”: no any evaporators!

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation
(pic. 139.1 – Ministry of Internal Affairs
of Russian Federation)
Gas tanks connected by cascade
(pic. 139.2 – Gas tanks connected by cascade)
(pic. 139.3 – Evaporator)

Realized objects, it’s an experience, satisfaction from well done work and appreciation of the clients. Always. Group of Companies «Terrikom» would like to introduce you the most interesting aims successfully realized.

Object: Reception House of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation, area is 5 000m2.

History of the problem: Electrical evaporator delivered by outside company depressurized after three years of operation – it started blowing out gas. Three meter fence and freshness were the reasons why the area was fogged by dangerous “smog”. During quit long time gas was “lying” close to the ground because propane-butane is heavier than the air; than it was dispersed by the wind. With the miracle the catastrophe didn’t occur: in case fire source would appear trees and the house could inflame.

Goal: Fast recover of independent gasification system on the object after gas evaporator was broken down.

Realization: Metal of the chamber in dismounted evaporator thinned out and rusted away. Suppliers who delivered evaporator “disappeared”. Other companies didn’t want to tackle the problem. Professionals from Group of Companies “Terrikom” proposed the customer two solutions:

to buy new expensive evaporator, delivery time was 1-2 month (don’t also forget about power consumption required by electrical evaporator: 15 kilowatt-hour);

to install two vertical underground gas tanks from “Antonio Merloni”, connected by cascade.

The customer chose the second alternative solution.

Next day the system of independent gasification was mounted, pressure tested and started up. Old equipment was left as a museum piece.

Conclusion: All gas facility should be under the ground! No any evaporators!!!

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