Objects realized by GC «Terrikom»: night-time rate all the day.

night-time and day-time rates
(pic. 113.1 – night-time and day-time rates)

Realized objects, it’s an experience, satisfaction from well done work and appreciation of the clients. Always. Group of Companies «Terrikom» would like to introduce you the most interesting aims successfully realized.

Object: Big countryside house with big electric power consumption. In one of the regions of RF there was imposed double-rate payment for electric power.

Goal: To pay electricity less. To be independent from «day» and «nigh» zone. To use electricity according to night rate all the day.

Solution: uninterruptible power supply system to be charged during night time.

Realization: There was organized uninterruptible power supply system which operated according to the following schedule: 1) night time (from 23:00 to 05:00) - battery recharging according to cheap rate for electricity; 2) day time (from 05:00 to 23:00) – power consumption from uninterruptible power supply unit.

Conclusion: There was realized electric power supply system according to minimum tariff rates what allows to save money.

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