Service: equipment repair

Equipment repair
(pic. 92.1 – Equipment repair)
(pic. 91.2 – Service )

English word «Service» means «attendance», «maintenance», «work». Miniseries of articles «Service» is appealed to explain a client the procedure in case of warranty event, to advise the steps of aftersales service and repair.

Using a system of independent gasification, similar to any other equipment, there might appear a quiestion about the need to otganize equipment repair. What should we do in case of breakage?

Step 1: In case of emergency - shut off manually gas supply using gas ball cock.

Step 2: Call service center of GC “Terrikom” (phone number in on the website). Your claim will be accepted by operator on duty who you should explain to what happened.

Step 3: Wait for arrival of service foreman who will make a diagnostics (failures identification) of the system. If it’s possible to repair on place the foreman will do that. If it’s not possible please, follow the next step:

Step 4 (if necessary): Order required spare parts and pay them. Then the foreman will replace defective parts.

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