Services (part 1) – How to make an order

Book through the internet - shop and just wait for the call
(pic. 87.1 – Book through the internet -
shop and just wait for the call)

Buying equipment from «Antonio Merloni» clients often have the following questions: «How to make an order correctly?», «Which actions to take to buy a gas tank?».

Relationships between «Terrikom» Company (official representative of Italian Company «Antonio Merloni Cylinders Ghergo Group S.p.А.» in Russia and in member countries of Customs Union) and clients are the following. After potential client established his wish to buy equipment for independent gasification, there are two ways possible to place an order:

Variant №1:
The easiest way is to make an order through internet-shop on A client should enter our web-site, open page «Ready solutions» and choose a proposal from the list considering an approximate area of private house, cottage or summer house. On this page the client will see approximate calculation: price for gas tank, standard mount, connecting set and so on. Any position/service can be deleted by «dash» or added by «plus». So, you get preliminary order which can be made for 5 minutes indicating phone number, skype, e-mail address and finally full name and address of gasified object. And then just wait for a phone call.

For your note: for the convenience a client can find in upper right corner of website currency switcher – dollars, euro, and rubles. Figure will be valid for current moment. Next to currency switcher there are language switch sign – English or Russian – what is very convenient for English speaking guests of our website.

Preparation of several commercial proposals
(pic. 87.2 – Preparation of several
commercial proposals)

In working hours one of the managers from GC “Terrikom” will process an order and, in case of any questions, will contact a client for specification or explanations. The mechanism starts to work toward the client – the order is under supervision of the company.

A buyer will get ready quotation for the certain area of country house and, in the most cases, even two quotations at choice – less expensive (with one gas tank) and more expensive variant (dual configuration with two gas tanks for more reliability). For example, for a house with total area of 450 m2 we offer: 1) one cistern of 5000 liters or 2) two cisterns of 2250 liters each.

Choosing one of quotations a client gives his answer (by letter or by phone call to the office) – he gives the number of the offer that he prefers and gets an invoice for the payment. In one-two days after invoice payment a team of professionals comes to a client: they supply equipment and make the mounting. It is also possible to order ground works in our company (before team’s visit) but experience has proven that the most of the clients manage by the forces of hired workers.

duty engineer
(pic. 87.3 – duty engineer)

Variant №2:
For those who «don’t trust Internet» or wish, first of all, to communicate with our professionals. In working hours (from Monday to Friday, from 09.00 to 18.00) a client should call GC «Terrikom» office and make an order «by voice» – all the steps, described in variant №1, will be passed by managers instead of a client sitting at the writing desk in front of office computer.

All the clients can get a consultation from certified engineer on duty – 24 hours daily! Any time, day and night (Russia is the big country with variety of time zones) an engineer will accept the call, will tell about. equipment and will answer any questions. The most convenient is if you have the possibility to contact by Skype . Engineer on duty will also answer even being in the field – net call will be addressed to his phone.

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