Independent heating for countryside house.

Countryside house
(pic. 37.1 – Countryside house)

Independent heating for countryside house.
Independent heating systems for countryside house is realized on base of gas convectors which are installed in each room and have closed combustion chamber. Such kind of heating can be realized room by room and floor by floor. Independent heating in countryside house allows to heat only chosen area and if necessary to stop heat supply to certain rooms.

Independent heating for countryside house is fast, reliable, and flexible solution; it doesn’t require any expensive electricity or noisy boilers!

Area-based systems of air heating for houses are defined by the following: advanced sanitary and hygiene factors of air environment inside heated room; cleaning, moisturizing and air replacement; possibility to provide air motion; fast heating of the room (10-15 minutes)



Operating principle of gas convector
(pic. 37.3 – Operating principle of
gas convector)

Gas convector is an appliance in modern heating system which can guarantee chip warmth in your home. For convector operating it is possible to use either natural main pipeline gas or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).

In conditions of harsh Russian climate the problem of heating is one of the main problems for the owners of countryside houses and cottages. Connection to centralized network of heat supply usually is not possible or has its disadvantages. To offer warmth and comfort to your home the most reasonable solution will be to use an independent system of air heating.

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