Regulatory documents

Environmentally hazardous facilities
(pic. 140.1 – Environmentally hazardous facilities)

R&R 62.13330 dated 20 of May 2011. Technical regulations concerning security of gas distribution and gas consumption networks, Technical regulations concerning security of machines and equipment, Technical regulations concerning security of equipment which operates under the pressure.

  • Order №606 dated 04 of September 2007 (registration №10224 dated 01.10.2007). Administrative regulation from Federal Environmental Industrial and Nuclear Supervision service concerning execution of state function about registration of hazardous industrial facilities and maintenance of a State register for hazardous industrial facilities.
  • Order №112 Rostechnadzor dated 02.02.2008. Administrative regulation from Federal Environmental Industrial and Nuclear Supervision service concerning execution of state function about authorization to apply exact types of technical equipment in hazardous industrial facilities.

  • Order №280 dated 30.10.2008. Administrative regulation from Federal Environmental Industrial and Nuclear Supervision service concerning execution of state function about control and supervision of compliance

with industrial security requirements during engineering, construction, exploitation, preservation and abandonment of hazardous industrial facilities; in production, mounting, adjustment, maintenance and in repair of technical equipment applied in hazardous industrial facilities, during transportation of hazardous materials in hazardous industrial facilities.


  • Order №288 dated 31.10.2008. Administrative regulation from Federal Environmental Industrial and Nuclear Supervision service concerning execution of state function about allowance for emission and release of pollutant to the environment.
General security requirements for hazardous facilities
(pic. 140.2 – General security requirements
for hazardous facilities)
  • Order from Federal Service №186 dated 31.03.2008. General requirements concerning anti-terrorism security of hazardous industrial facilities.
  • Order №398a Rostechnadzor dated 09.06.2008. Regulations concerning Certification Scheme for welding engineering in objects controlled by Federal Environmental Industrial and Nuclear Supervision service.
  • GOST 9.602-2005 Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection for UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTIONS. General corrosion protection requirements
  • IS 03-246-98 Rules for audit of industrial safety, with Modification N 1 [PBI 03-490(246)-06].
  • IS 03-273-99 Rules for qualification test of welders and welding production specialists.
  • IS 03-372-00 Rules for qualification test and general requirements for nondestructive testing laboratories. 
  • IS 03-440-02 Attestation rules for nondestructive inspection personnel.
  • IS 03-517-02 General security rules for the bodies which carry out activity in the field of industrial security of hazardous industrial facilities.
  • IS 03-576-03 Rules for Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels.
  • IS 03-581-03 Codes for installation and safe operation of stationary compressor, air ducts and gas ducts.
  • IS 03-584-03 Rules for engineering, production and acceptance of steel welded vessels and equipment.
  • IS 03-585-03 Process pipeline design and safe operation rules.
  • IS 10-382-00 Procedure for Design and Safe Operation of Cargo Cranes, with modifications.
  • IS 12-527-03 Safety rules for the operation of automobile liquefied gas fuel stations.
  • IS 12-529-03 Safety regulations for gas distribution and gas consumption systems.
  • IS 12-609-03 Safety rules for facilities using liquefied petroleum gases.
  • RD 03-29-93 Methodological regulations concerning engineering inspection of steam and water-heating boilers operated under pressure, steam and hot water pipelines.
  • RD 03-85-95 Certification rules for supervised products used on potentially hazardous industrial facilities, objects and works.
Inspections and control
(pic. 140.3 – Inspections and control)
  • RD 03-298-99 Regulation for the authorization procedure for industrial safety expert review conclusion, with Modification N 1 [RDI 03-530(298)-03].
  • RD 03-421-01 Methodological regulations concerning diagnostics of technical condition and residual life specification of vessels and equipment.
  • RD 03-495-02 Technological regulation concerning qualification test for welders and welding production specialists.
  • RD 03-606-03 Instructions for visual examination and check of dimensions.
  • RD 03-613-03 Regulations concerning application procedure for welded materials in production, mounting, repair and reconstruction of technical devices on hazardous industrial facilities.
  • RD 03-614-03 Regulations concerning application procedure for welded equipment in production, mounting, repair and reconstruction of technical devices on hazardous industrial facilities.
  • RD 03-615-03 Regulations concerning application procedure for welded technologies in production, mounting, repair and reconstruction of technical devices on hazardous industrial facilities.
Industrial security on hazardous industrial facilities
(pic. 140.4 – Industrial security on
hazardous industrial facilities)
  • RD 04-355-00 Methodological recommendations concerning organization of the manufacturing inspection of the compliance with industrial safety requirements on hazardous industrial facilities.

  • RD 10-30-93 Standard instructions for engineers and technicians responsible for maintenance of hoisting machinery in operative conditions, with Modification N1 [RDI 10-395(30)-00].

  • RD 10-34-93 Standard instructions for the people responsible for safety operations with cranes, with Modifications N 1 [RDI 10-406(34)-01].

  • RD 10-40-93 Standard Safety Manual for Engineers and technicians to Supervise Safe Operation of Lifting Machinery, with Modifications N 1 [RDI 10-388(40)-00].

  • RD 10-96-95 Methodological instructive regulations concerning passport (duplicate) preparation procedure for steam and water heating boilers.

  • RD 10-235-98 Instructions for supervision over manufacturing, mounting and repair of boiler inspection objects.

  • RD 10-275-99 Standard instructions for engineers and technicians responsible for maintenance of hoisting pipe layer crane in operation conditions.

  • RD 10-385-00 Methodological recommendations concerning emergency and accidents qualification on elevating constructions, steam and water heating boilers, vessels operated under pressure, steam and hot water pipelines.

Documentation requirements
(pic. 140.5 – Documentation requirements )
  • RD 10-528-03 Rules for audit of industrial safety on hazardous industrial facilities where elevating constructions are used.

  • RD 11-02-2006 Requirements to the scope and order of executive documentation during construction, reconstruction, overhaul of the capital construction projects and the requirements to the examination certificate for works, constructions and areas with engineering networks.

  • RD 11-04-2006 Inspections procedure in the context of State construction supervision and issuing the statements of conformity to the requirements of the technical regulations (norms and rules) and other statutory and regulatory enactments and project documentation for constructed, reconstructed and repaired capital construction objects.

  • RD 11-05-2007 General and/or special operations register schedule during construction or overhaul of the capital construction projects.

  • RD 12-608-03 03 Rules for audit of industrial safety on gas supply objects.

  • RD 13-06-2006 Methodological recommendations concerning procedure of liquid penetrant test of technical equipment and constructions applied and operated on hazardous industrial facilities.



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