Standard delivery of LPG by gas carrier
078778 | 50 km from the Office |
Quantity: km You must add50as a minimum quantity to buy this product. | Availability: Available now |
078778 | 50 km from the Office |
Quantity: km You must add50as a minimum quantity to buy this product. | Availability: Available now |
Minimum standard order of LPG delivery – 50 km from the Office
GC “Terrikom” delivers liquefied petroleum gas and charges gas tanks to provide ensured and noninterruptible operation of independent gas supply system for countryside houses.
To provide delivery of gas to the object there are used modern gas carriers/gas tank trucks equipped with drain hose with the length of up to 50 m and metering system which registers the quantity of liquefied gas charged into the cistern. Special high precision flow rate meter allows the Customer to control by himself the volume of charged gas to the gas tank.
Gas delivery and charge of gas tank can be realized any season.
Price increase for electricity and water: to be solved by the governors (part 2) |
Price increase for electricity and water: tightness of the social norm (part 1) |
Rates for gas – up again! |
Before the ruble collapses |
Help for children: opened hearts |
Gas for fuel filling stations: switch to natural-gas-based motor fuel |
Natural gas for power industry: relevance of independent gasification |
Gas tanks in great demand: helping heat |
Gas supply plan for the house. |
Gasification of houses, summer houses and cottages. |
Gasification of manufacturers and industrial enterprises. |
Gasification of towns and agglomerations. |
Disadvantages of main gas supply. |
Awaiting for main gas pipeline |
Budget planning and control. |
Environment friendly, comfortable and clean independent gasification. |
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