The main gas pipeline: what does it mean?

The main gas pipeline
(pic. 53.1 – The main gas pipeline)
The way the natural gas goes: from the gas field to the stove
(pic. 53.2 – The way the natural gas goes:
from the gas field to the stove)

Long time ago gas entered our everyday life, moved to a crown of blue lights above the burner and many people even never think about its «roams» on the way to the consumer.

Natural gas is transported by such kind of engineering constructions like gas pipeline. During the movement «blue-sky fuel» is kept under set excess pressure.

From the gas field areas gas is supplied at the long distances with the main gas pipeline. The pressure in the pipeline is maintained by compressor stations, which are placed in settled points of the main pipeline. Reaching the point of the destination gas gets into the final gas distributing plant which reduces the pressure till the «consumer» level. In accordance with this gas, delivered by the main gas pipeline, is called «mainline gas».

The main gas pipelines are classified for «the first» (to 10Mpa) and «the second» categories (to 2.5Mpa). According to the type of laying they can be above-ground, ground mounted, under-ground and underwater. The main gas pipeline is one of the main elements of gas pipeline network and the main constructional unit of the Unified Gas Supply System of Russian Federation.

In case of absence of the main pipeline gas, alternative and ideal variant is independent gasification on base of gas tanks from «Antonio Merloni».

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