Gas supply systems

Gas supply systems present themselves quite complicated complex of constructions. The choice of municipal gas supply system is determined by wide range of factors where the most important are:

Gas supply systems
(pic. 78.1 – Gas supply systems)
Independent gas supply
(pic. 78.2 – Independent gas supply)

Natural and artificial barriers for gas pipes installation are railway lines, underground constructions, gullets, rivers, dams and so on.

Gas supply project considers development of several variants which are to be compared according to technical-economic values and then the best alternative is chosen.

Gas distribution net includes transit (gas transportation from one area to another) and distribution gas pipelines (gas supply to consumers).

Gas supply system consists of gas pipeline inlet, distribution gas pipeline, risers, floor-by-floor feed pipes, stop valves and gas appliances. Inside gas equipment in residential houses and in industrial objects present themselves building and industrial gas pipes, gas devices and units for gas burning.

Installation of gas pipes in residential houses is organized in non-living premises. It is strictly forbidden to install gas pipelines in bathrooms and in sanitary ware areas. It is not allowed intercrossing between gas pipelines and doorframes or window areas. There should be installed shut-off valve in front of each gas appliance.

Municipal gas-distribution systems – present themselves a complex of gas supply sources, gas pipelines of low, medium and high pressure. Gas supply system should provide consumers with necessary volume of gas which corresponds to required parameters.

Independent gas supply systems in countryside houses allow to be independent from the main gas pipeline, to exclude the dependence from the pressure drop in the gas pipeline. Such independent systems are organized by underground installation of vertical gas tanks from «Antonio Merloni» and by gas pipeline installation to the consumers in gasified object.
Independent gas tanks, , besides countryside house, help to organize private gasification of any objects: cottage, summer house, shop, restaurant, car-wash, workshop and so on. Independent gas supply systems completely solve the question of security, they help to avoid discomfort. Modern devices provide complete following of the rules in technical operation of gas supply systems.

It is also very important that such kind of systems don’t have complicated equipment. And don’t worry about aesthetics: in case of high quality mounting of gas supply systems interior of the house will not be disturbed.

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